Just a list with a few sites that I like and recommend for various reasons!

perpetually work in progress...

Website Description
11ty Wonderful static site generator that I've used to make this site
Internet Archive My home.
Henry Jenkins Blog of the Provost Professor of Communication, Journalism, Cinematic Arts and Education at the University of Southern California that wrote Convergence Culture
MDN web docs Mozilla is awesome!
The Cutting Room Floor The world's Debug Room, and game hackers paradise
EFF The leading nonprofit defending digital privacy, free speech, and innovation.
5T3PH The awesome website of the amazing Stephanie Eckles
Hawksworx Phil Hawksworth digital home, pure web-dev inspiration
FFVII Citadel One of my all-time favorite Final Fantasy VII sites
GB Studio Awesome project by Chris Maltby.
Radio Garden World's radio station in a gorgeous web page. After discovering it, I was moved by happiness
It's FOSS It’s FOSS is an award-winning web-portal that focuses on Open Source in general and Linux in particular.
freeCodeCamp Learn to code in one of the most wonderful places on the internet
Netwars Astonishing website (and project)
Shmuplations English translations of many interviews featuring A LOT of Japanese game developers
Grumpy Gamer Look behind you! a three-headed Ron Gilbert's blog!
Nanda Okitavera The great website of Nada, also made with 11ty!
The Eye Sápere aude!
Romhacking Amazing repo of hacked roms
Angry Metal Guy One of the few music review sites I read

🇮🇹 In Italiano

Website Description
Arcweb Sito di Marco Bortone, il mio vecchio best buddy internettiano
Cantina Ragnate.la Il bel blog di Edoardo Maria Elidoro, Ed di Livello Segreto!
SadNES City Storici traduttori di svariati videogiochi, specie Squaresoft
77nn.it Il bellissimo blog di TiTiNoNero
Nikole Ceccarelli Si dichiara "pessima fonte di saggezza", ma diffidate da quel pessima
Federazione Blog Indipendenti Progetto di TiTiNoNero, interessante aggregatore di blog italiani a cui partecipo
Rulatori Solitari Portale dedicato al GDR in solitaria
Warp Zine la webzine di Livello Segreto (istanza Mastodon dove bazzico)
KSGaming l'owncast di un'avventurosa coppia di Streamer e del gatto Sirio
holism in the attic bel blog a tema geek di zeruhur
Arena80 Sito meraviglioso per ogni buon nostalgico
Lucasdelirium Inestimabile risorsa italiana per tutti gli appassionati delle vecchie avventure grafiche Lucasfilms
Old Games Italia Storica community e webzine a tema retrogame in Italia
Adventure's Planet Caposaldo tutto italiano di uno dei generi più particolari e meravigliosamente scimmieschi della storia del videogame
Antro Atomico Dimora del Dr Manhattan e del bassismo carismatico
La Giornata Tipo Basket raccontato in modo strepitoso
Ne3rdcore Uno dei pochi portali a tema videogiochi / nerdate d'attualità che leggo